Jerome’s Journal Directory
An All-In-One Page For The World Building And Lore Of The Encyclopedia
Jerome’s Journal: An Encyclopedia of Cryptids and Other Mythical Creatures is a collection of lore and hand drawn doodles from the perspective of Jerome, a character from The Cryptid Coalition, one of the six pillars of the FlavorVerse.
This Page will be the Directory for all Pages, Lore, and World building articles within Jerome’s Journal.
Each page in the Journal is akin to an entry in a PokeDex or an Encyclopedia of Animals, however, from the POV of the character Jerome, who after becoming a Cryptid Hunter as part of the Cryptid Coalition, dedicated his life to studying and observing everything he could after the events of the large scale war, The Battle of the Creators. These will give details on each Cryptid, alongside bits of lore from the world I have created itself, including hints to some events that happen in the stories I’ve written, which I hope will be a treat when I can eventually tell the larger story.
Each page includes a written lore piece alongside a Marker Doodle Drawing of the Cryptid, drawn by me (Keep in mind, I do not claim to be good at drawing).
Like the newspapers and Almanacs before him, Jerome would send in his handwritten notes to the Cryptid Coalition for over twenty years, and it was eventually published. The journal became something of a beginner’s handbook for upcoming Cryptid Hunters.
The Cryptid Coalition: The First Pillar of the FlavorVerse — Daily Flavor #1
Jerome’s Journal: An Encyclopedia of Cryptids and Other Mythical Creatures — Introduction
Flavor Emblems: Cryptid Collection
Cryptid Pages
Forbidden Pages
Page 1: The Igami and The Legendary Lost Cities
Page 2: The Mystic Egg of Shangri-La
Page 3: The Stone Egg of Babylon
Page 4: The Dune Egg of Zerzura
Page 5: The Aqua Egg of Atlantis
Page 6: The Organic Egg of Agartha
Page 7: The Golden Egg of Babylon
Jerome’s Journal is written from the perspective of Jerome Griffin, a few decades after the events of the story of The Cryptid Coalition. Jerome spends his life after the Battle of the Creators observing and researching Cryptids, and keeps a Journal for his notes. He starts his own Almanac, inspired by “Poor Grover’s”, sending out Pages of his work to fellow Cryptid Hunters. Eventually, The Cryptid Coalition publishes a copy of his notes, and uses them to give out to their Rookie Hunters.
A collection of 40 different Cryptids, each with their own set of lore and a hand drawn doodle.
- Jerome’s Journal Directory, for all the info on Jerome’s Journal.