The Golden Egg of El Dorado — Forbidden Page 7
Jerome’s Journal: An Encyclopedia of Cryptids and Other Mythical Creatures
The Golden Egg of El Dorado
In the depths of an island home to a volcano, is the land of El Dorado.
The Golden City is the Lost City that there is little known about, other than that it was likely taken out by the volcano that housed it centuries ago.
But many have thought that underneath the lava, a civilization was able to form from the remains of the volcanic ash.
I’m afraid there’s not enough information at the present to say everything I want to say about this place, but a golden stone was drawn in the ruins. A Golden Egg.
It makes me wonder if a volcano didn’t destroy this place, but a creature’s fire.
Notable Facts:
- Jerome likely knows more information about El Dorado than he lets off.
*For more information on the project, go to Jerome’s Journal: An Encyclopedia of Cryptids and Other Mythical Creatures
As more information comes into the world of The Cryptid Coalition, this page will be updated.
Forbidden Page 1: The Igami and The Legendary Lost Cities
Forbidden Page 2: The Mystic Egg of Shangri-La
Forbidden Page 3: The Stone Egg of Babylon
Forbidden Page 4: The Dune Egg of Zerzura
Forbidden Page 5: The Aqua Egg of Atlanta
Forbidden Page 6: The Organic Egg of Agartha
- Jerome’s Journal Directory, for all the info on Jerome’s Journal.