How To Claim A POAP

4 min readJan 9, 2022

Claim An Original Flavor Badge For Being Early In The FlavorVerse

POAP for Original Flavor, early members of the FlavorVerse Discord

What Is A POAP?

POAP stands for Proof of Attendance Protocol. It is a way to prove your attendance at an event that has setup a POAP.

I am creating a POAP event to commemorate the release of my Genesis Flavor Emblems, the first set. By being in the FlavorVerse discord, you are an early member of the community, and the POAP is a badge of proof that you are an OG Flavor.

Each POAP has a custom design, allowing them to be collector’s items for people who like to travel the world of the Blockchain.

POAP’s are significantly more eco-friendly than other Ethereum NFT’s.


While the utility of a POAP is essentially endless, I’ll list a few usages of a POAP.

  • Community — POAP’s create a community within all holders of the same POAP.
  • Airdrops — Being the owner of a POAP can give specifically targeted airdrops. Anyone with the Original Flavor Badge can occasionally get a reward based simply on being part of the Original Flavor Badge group.
  • Special Polling — Certain types of polls that can affect a community can be given access to holders of certain POAP’s, allowing their voices to be hear.

There are many more forms of utility possible, and I may go over that in another article in the future.

Here are the steps to claiming a POAP:

Step 1 — Get An Ethereum Wallet

Make sure you have an Ethereum Wallet setup.

I recommend using Metamask, as it is incredibly user friendly, and most, if not all, sites on the blockchain have Metamask able to be connected easily. Metamask is a browser plug-in and extension. Google Chrome and Brave browsers work the best with it.

Download and install Metamask through their website, You can also download it on your phone from the App Store.

It’ll take a second to load, and then ask you to create a password. Do so, and you’ll receive your Secret Recovery Phrase, or your Seed Phrase. This is a 12 word phrase that can be used to access your account from anywhere, so write it down on a piece of paper, and secure it in a safe spot.

Do not ever give this out to anyone because it will allow them complete access to your Metamask wallet. A lot of scammers try to get this out of you, but as long as you never give them your seed phrase, you should be safe.

Step 2 — The POAP App is the homesite of POAP’s. You need to download the POAP App from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store.


Step 3 — Setup Your POAP Account

Now for this next part, you’ll need to open up your Metamask, and copy your Public Ethereum Address by clicking the double square icon underneath your Account Name.

All Ethereum Addresses start with 0x. Once you have your Metamask Address ready to go, open up the POAP app.

Click Paste to put in your Eth Address, and it should connect your account to your Metamask.


Step 4 — Mint Your POAP

Final step, click the + sign next to Mint. It will give you the options of a Secret Word, Scan QR, or Enter Code.

For the Original Flavor Badge, we’re sending out codes to the people who are early, to keep the event to people who have joined the FlavorVerse Discord early.

After you have clicked Enter Code, enter the 6-digit code of your claim link given to you.

And that’s all there is to it! You should have been given your POAP afterwards, and it should show up in your collection.


Imagine if Disney World would have been able to give a POAP NFT to everyone who went to the amusement park in the first month of its opening, a group of people nobody else in time could have shared the same experience.

POAPS are meant to be a badge, your proof that you were at a specific event in time, and can digitally connect those people through the blockchain.

These are bookmarks for your life.





Building a canonically weaved world known as the FlavorVerse from the stories I create as a writer, director, and gamer.